Shadow Guard (3)Full unit name: Shadow Guard
Last updated: 05.12.2022 17:20:55
Basic info
First appearance: The Force Unleashed (Video Game)
Relations: Imperial Royal Guard
Imperial Royal Guard
Galactic Empire
Events: Skirmish on Cloud City (TFU)
Skirmish on Cloud City (TFU)
Galactic Civil War
Known Facts (1)
Skirmish on Cloud City (TFU) (1) »
The Emperor's Shadow Guard was an organization of elite, Force-sensitive soldiers recruited from the defeated remnants of the Sun Guard and Jedi Knights
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
who fell to the dark side. They served the Galactic Empire during the Great Jedi Purge. They were trained by Darth Vader
Darth Vader
Major Characters
. Few Imperials knew the true origins of the mysterious and powerful Shadow Guard, an elite special operations unit within the Emperor's Royal Guard
Imperial Royal Guard
Galactic Empire
. They were silent and enigmatic warriors that received orders directly from Emperor Palpatine
Major Characters
himself and were often sent to eliminate suspected Jedi and other Force users. When necessary they would also be put under the supervision of Darth Vader. The job of the Emperor's Shadow Guard was mainly to guard the Emperor, also known as Darth Sidious. These guardsmen demonstrated Force powers of their own which led many to suspect that they were in fact former Jedi that had been captured, tortured and brainwashed by Palpatine, but this was a rumor that was never proven. The Shadow Guards commanded a great level of respect within the Empire's ranks and often led quartets of Imperial Stormtroopers
Imperial Stormtrooper
Galactic Empire Military
into battle against the Emperor's most hated foes. Shadow Guard members were always guarded by their own detail made up of Imperial Navy Commandos or stormtroopers, or in certain cases, members of the standard Royal Guard, although they were easily defeated during their battles with Starkiller
Galen Marek
Major Characters
. They were capable of using a range of Force abilities such as Force lightning, Force Repulse, Force Push, Force Choke and Force Maelstrom.


See also
Complete list

Full unit name: Shadow Guard Last updated: 05.12.2022 17:20:55